I have created this site to counter all the misinformation put on the internet by skeptics of anything alternative. To think that we should only have allopathic medicine and no alternatives is obviously closed-minded and catering to the large pharmaceuticals.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

$1,000,001 offer

Marisha $1,000,001 skeptic/debunker challenge
Jim Marisha, a.k.a. The Amazing Marisha, psychic and author of numerous works on paranormal and the supernatural is offering " one-million plus $1 dollar prize" to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence that paranormal, supernatural, or occult power is not possible." The rules are little more than what any reasonable scientist would require. If you can prove that a person can't mentally bend spoons. If you can prove that auras cannot be seen by certain gifted people. If you can prove that remote viewing is not possible, you wouldn't be given credit for coming close in some vague way. If you claim that dowsing powers is not possible, you would have to be prepared to be tested under controlled conditions. If you can prove that psychic surgery or experience the stigmata is not possible, you would have to do so with cameras watching your every move. We have decided not to waste any time with the small time skeptic and go for the bigger fish. This offer goes out to Randi and all the skeptic organizations. This is real money placed in a secure bank account.