I have created this site to counter all the misinformation put on the internet by skeptics of anything alternative. To think that we should only have allopathic medicine and no alternatives is obviously closed-minded and catering to the large pharmaceuticals.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

$1,000,001 offer

Marisha $1,000,001 skeptic/debunker challenge
Jim Marisha, a.k.a. The Amazing Marisha, psychic and author of numerous works on paranormal and the supernatural is offering " one-million plus $1 dollar prize" to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence that paranormal, supernatural, or occult power is not possible." The rules are little more than what any reasonable scientist would require. If you can prove that a person can't mentally bend spoons. If you can prove that auras cannot be seen by certain gifted people. If you can prove that remote viewing is not possible, you wouldn't be given credit for coming close in some vague way. If you claim that dowsing powers is not possible, you would have to be prepared to be tested under controlled conditions. If you can prove that psychic surgery or experience the stigmata is not possible, you would have to do so with cameras watching your every move. We have decided not to waste any time with the small time skeptic and go for the bigger fish. This offer goes out to Randi and all the skeptic organizations. This is real money placed in a secure bank account.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Professional Skeptics and their hidden agenda

The problem with the truth is that so many efforts are made at distorting it to serve questionable purposes or simply reflect one own's biases and faulty thinking.Perhaps more simply said: "There are 3 sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth."I have read Adam's books and attended one of his seminars and have also carefully read his website. I have researched the Ronnie Hawkins story.With very little investigation it was apparent that Ronnie's cancer was undeniably diagnosed by surgeons at a repudible hospital. Inoperable pancreatic cancer. This was well documented by medical records and reported on. Specifically when they operated on Ronnie to cut out the cancer they did not do the procedure because it was larger than the surgeons had anticipated and was wrapped around an artery.The info. in your post appears to be another skeptic's diatribe which appears either to be deliberately misleading or just sadly lacking in investigation.People like Adam quickly discover as many others have realized - you can not change the mind of a hard-core skeptic as their mind is "locked from the inside". To spend time proving yourself to them and jumping through their various hoops (and better believe they will ask you to spend enormus time and energy to convince them)is simply not worth the effort and a huge waste of one's limited time.To others that might wonder the "truth" of the situation, perhaps you should do your own research including reading Adam's books and perusing his website as a starter.I have done me own investigation and thinking and have concluded that "Adam" is the real thing and you will hear a lot more about this gifted Canadian healer. My purpose here is not to advertise this healer but to atleast cause others to unlock their own minds a little. Besides the misinformation I find in this post is disturbing.Make sure your own mind is not being distorted by the professional skeptics as they have their own hidden agenda.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Interesting Sites

Nature's Mind
Does Prayer Work
Noetic Science
Distant healing Studies
Scientific Research
DH Research
More DH Research
Scientific Models
DH Research Trials
DH Daniel J Benor MD
Integrative Medicine Alliance
Community Links
Yoga Trinity
Transcendental Links
The X Zone Radio Show
Gil Hedley
Eyes of an Angel
The Natural Healer
Salo Sounds
Educate Yourself
Sounding Circle
Cure Zone
What the Bleep
Merlian News
Psychic Trips
The Masters Touch
Noise Relief
Universe of Abundant Life
Life Challenges
Charlene Ryan
Simple Remedies
New Age
Sacred Gifts

Thursday, June 15, 2006

DreamHealer - Open Minds beware of debunkers who insist on their own meaning of "proof", but in the name of "science"!

In today's world many are at a level of intellectualism that has roots in the Newtonian paradigm, where the simple laws of cause and effect stand and of which most of modern science is based on.

It is said that everything in the manifest world comes from the non-linear, unmanifest "field" of which all creation is born and evolving at the same "time". This non-linear dimension if you will is what baffles many Quantum Physicists and others when conclusions are drawn such that "the consciousness of the observer" affects the experiment itself.

The above statement says a lot when considering any modern day "linear" scientific tests that are performed on phenomena that are occurring of their own in the "non-linear" dimension and in "context" of other conditions such as "intent" that may result in a healing. Such an experiment, for instance, performed on a healer such as Adam must be carefully considered and deployed to insure that the proper measures are being taken into consideration.

Simply put, many of today's measuring instruments and experimenters (read their "level of consciousness") are not equipped to measure that which has its source in the "non-linear" dimension. We became able to measure radio waves and other "invisible" energy fields, and we are slowly emerging the capability to measure subtle "healing" energy such as that which affects brain wave states.

As the saying goes, "You can't measure ghosts with a Geiger Counter", so we must be sure to have the proper experimental conditions. And, considering the Heisenberg / Uncertainty Principle, what the person holds in consciousness that is conducting the experiment can actually affect the outcome, wow! So in the future as experiments are conducted on subtle energy careful consideration should be made as to who the actual person is that is conducting the experiment in the first place and their intent!

That is why any hard lined skeptic that holds his positionality so strongly on an experiential viewpoint will most certainly obtain consistent results which will continue to bind him to his current, debunking belief system.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Theta Waves

June 06,2006 Adam was involved in a brain mapping study. The results are presently being analyzed but preliminarily it looks very exciting. A local neuro psychologist placed the brain mapping equipment on the head of a female participant. Readings were taken with Adam in another room not connecting; in the same room not connecting; in the same room and connecting telepathically as he does when he does his treatments; finally there were readings taken after Adam left the room.
There was a significant increase in high amplitude theta waves only when Adam connected. This was recorded in the left prefrontal cortex. It is only a first test and we plan to experiment more. This is all very exciting stuff as we are always trying to find scientific proof.
The Shamanic State of Consciousness, which is theta brainwaves, allows us to journey into the higher planes. The steady-rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one-half times per second (theta waves are 4-7 cps) is the key to transporting a shaman into the deepest part of his or her Shamanic trance. The constant and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and other listeners into realms of blissful meditation also follow this rhythm.

Theta waves have also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows us to connect with our creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences. Through theta wave meditation, we can open our Third Eye and access the delta waves that unite us with Universal Energy and Cosmic Consciousness.

The Theta state is where intuition comes, instantaneous healings occur and accelerated learning occurs. Einstein trained himself to spend many hours in that state. It is where you feel one with All.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

'Does Prayer Really Help?' What do the Men of Science Say?

In the book ‘Healing Research’ by Dr Daniel J. Benor over 150 controlled studies of (prayerful) healing have been published. But as this book was initially published ten years ago in 1992, I would prefer to relate more up-to-date research into healing through the power of prayer.

Because the rules which govern healing are so little understood and the energies used apparently so illusive, main stream scientists have been afraid to take on the challenge to discover, or even test, the efficacy of prayer upon a sufferer. However, as we develop more sensitive and highly effective monitoring equipment, so the ‘sceptical’ mind is being forced to accept that there are things greater in heaven and earth than we mere mortals can currently understand.

Article Continues at:
Does Prayer Work?

Monday, June 12, 2006

Example of a Quacks Tactics

To fill Usenet with attacks on his critics ...