I have created this site to counter all the misinformation put on the internet by skeptics of anything alternative. To think that we should only have allopathic medicine and no alternatives is obviously closed-minded and catering to the large pharmaceuticals.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

'Does Prayer Really Help?' What do the Men of Science Say?

In the book ‘Healing Research’ by Dr Daniel J. Benor over 150 controlled studies of (prayerful) healing have been published. But as this book was initially published ten years ago in 1992, I would prefer to relate more up-to-date research into healing through the power of prayer.

Because the rules which govern healing are so little understood and the energies used apparently so illusive, main stream scientists have been afraid to take on the challenge to discover, or even test, the efficacy of prayer upon a sufferer. However, as we develop more sensitive and highly effective monitoring equipment, so the ‘sceptical’ mind is being forced to accept that there are things greater in heaven and earth than we mere mortals can currently understand.

Article Continues at:
Does Prayer Work?